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Elbow Bicep Tendonitis Solutions

What is an Elbow Bicep Tendonitis?

The bicep muscle is a long muscle that extends from the shoulder to the elbow and can be responsible for anterior elbow/forearm pain. The bicep is primarily responsible for bending the elbow and turning the forearm. The tendon can become inflamed with repetitive movements that occur in weight training, throwing sports, rock climbing or gardening.

Symptoms of Elbow Bicep Tendonitis

  • Pain in or around the elbow joint
  • Stiffness/pain with movement
  • Weakness in hand or wrist
  • Tingling or numbness in forearm and/or fingers
  • Limited movement of the elbow

Causes of Elbow Bicep Tendonitis

  • Wear and tear
  • Overuse due to repetitive movement
  • Heavy lifting
  • Injury
  • Shoulder impingement

Elbow Bicep Tendonitis Solutions in NJ

Here at Performance Ortho, we have many options to treat your elbow bicep tendonitis, including non-surgical and surgical.

Elbow Bicep Tendonitis Non-Surgical Solutions in NJ

Why Choose Performance Ortho?

Whether you are suffering from a recent or chronic (cervical, lumbar or thoracic spine) condition that is adversely affecting your ability to live life under your terms, our Back Pain Specialists can help you today. To have a consultation with one of our doctors, please contact one of our Patiet Care Coordinators at 908-754-1960.


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